
Friday, December 28, 2012

How many buns are in the oven?

So sorry for the lack of updates, I sorta wasn't sure if I wanted everyone in the 'know' right around transfer day because then all of you would be so anxious to hear the results.  So let me catch you all up a bit.

We did have the transfer on December 6th at 1pm, although I think it was closer to 2 before I had the procedure done. Our transfer date was moved up a couple of days because 2 embryos were 8-cell and 'ready' so it changed to what is termed a 3-day transfer.

Our oldest 2 kids were at school and my best friend took our youngest daughter for the day. My friend actually gave me the most thoughtful 'sticky box' of all these things that are sticky like gum, tape, silly putty, syrup, honey, etc.  All sooooo perfect for the embryos that we needed to stick! I was so nervous in the car that it made me laugh as I looked through the box of stickies and I felt much lighter as we continued our drive to Ft. Worth.

First, Jon, the IP's and I met for a yummy lunch at a local cafe before the actual transfer. I was really glad we did because by the time we finished our lunch I was less nervous about the 'big' day ahead of all of us. 

After we arrived at the clinic they put me in a room and handed me a yellow gown with ties in the back to change into. I could have one person in the surgery room with me which I knew would be E, the IM so she had to get in her fancy white zip-up outfit to accompany me.  Once we were all suited up including our blue hats and bootie shoes we were ready.

The procedure itself didn't last long, probably around 10 minutes. E did such a great job keeping me calm and the Dr. let me pick what music I wanted to listen to, so we had country music playing in the background. It really is such an amazing process to be a part of and watch on the screen above. After all was done, they rolled me back to the room where I had to stay laying down, snuggled under a thick blanket for 30+ minutes before I could get up and get dressed. Once we headed back home, I was put on bedrest for 3 days. The IP's gave us a big basket of goodies to help keep me occupied as well as the kids during my bedrest, they really are so wonderful. 

Then we waited... and on day 7 I took my first pregnancy test and a very very faint line appeared. I tested again on day 8 which was a wee bit darker and by day 9 the double line came up quick and dark. I also took a digital test on December 14th so the IP's could see the word 'pregnant' which is when I told them they were in fact pregnant.  I just kept thinking YAY we did it! The shock factor for them lasted a few days but now that we have 3 good beta tests behind us I think they are getting more comfortable with the + pregnancy news. 

Now we wonder who hung in? Do the IP's have one or two babies growing inside me? That is the big question which we should have an answer to Friday, January 4th when we go for an ultrasound to hear the babies heartbeat(s). 

I definitely had signs of pregnancy a few days after the transfer. I had and still have fatigue, food aversions and increased appetite.  I am still taking 3 estrogen pills a day in addition to my progesterone shot each night. The progesterone shots are getting a little rough as I now have a lot of soreness and knots on each side of my hips making me more and more uncomfortable as time goes on. I will have to continue on these medications until 10 weeks into pregnancy, I am 5 weeks 5 days pregnant today. Hey we surros gotta do what we gotta do along the journey and it will all be WELL worth it in the end. 


  1. Love the story! So glad it worked on the first time! I had an IUI and it worked on the first try! We only had one baby. Can't wait to see how many they will have!

  2. Mere - I'm so excited for the IP and am honored to say I know someone as amazing and self-less as you are, you are a true inspiration.

  3. Go preggers! Can't wait to hear if it's 1 or 2! Text me. Again ... so amazing that you're doing this. So proud of you Mere!
